youtube & google are the most convenient website of all! when im looking for inspiration to do my 4th gengkey graphic novel cover, i recall a video clip of no doubt. i just type the keyword, hit search and get what i want immediately! bravo www!

im not a fan of simpson cartoon series, and i dont like yellow as well. but unexpectedly this movie was one of the best among all those lousy blockbuster, and susprisingly our government didnt censor the movie at all. but i dont think it's suitable for kids to watch it. although too much plots in the movie, but it has some meaningful message in it.
hahaha, agree with the convenient of search function in www. now we cant design without it, but sometime it will also make us become more lazy & not appreciate at the research that we founded in few sec only!
remember last time in college, we research from library taken so much time, that time really hardworking,
go everyday, everywhere for our research & study. asking myself how long did i am not enter a library to research?...
got drop by...
just browse thru ur profile
penguin a? u sure? nvr saw a skinny penguin before eh~
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